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BACK 林語堂的人格特徵與幽默











Lin Yutang's Personality Characteristics and Humor

Weicui TIAN, Lingcong ZHANG

Zhangzhou Normal University, Fukien, China 

Background: Lin Yutang has been publicly recognized as China’s "master of humor". The researches of Lin Yutang and his humor in the past were more developed from literary or historical perspectives. This study will discuss the relationships of Lin Yutang’s personality and humor from the perspective of psychology.

Aims: This study will begin with Lin Yutang's view of humor, then discuss the modern significance of humor within Lin Yutang's eyes from the visual angle of psychology, and analyze the effect that his personality characteristics on the formation of his sense of humor.

Suggestions: Although this article embarks from the perspective of psychology, contacting Lin Yutang's personality with his view of humor, discussing their latent causal relationships, the discussion is not very exhaustive from the personality angle, and thus the visual angle of psychology is not clear enough. In the future, researchers may further discuss the relations of Lin Yutang's personality and humor, but do not limit merely in the relations. Moreover, this research has not adopted the qualitative or quantitative research which is commonly used in the behavioral sciences, this will also give the researchers much possible space what can be inquired in the future.

Conclusion: Lin Yutang understood the humor as the “understanding smile”, which was “solemn and also scherzando” after “feeling compassion for the state of the world and its people”. Moreover, he noted that there were social and individual two perspectives’ modern significances of humor. Talking of the effects of Lin’s character on humor formation, we found that: (1) The childhood experience had laid the foundation for his sense of humor; (2) the union of Chinese and Western cultures provided the foundation for his humorous personality. Furthermore, there remained some other problems. For example, it wasn't detailed enough from the study of character angle, and it didn't adopt the quantitative research or the qualitative research in the behavioral sciences realm. All of these were still in need.

Keywords: Lin Yutang; humor; personality characteristics


